Signature Programs and Benefits

Michigan Campus Compact provides a variety of programs and services to inform, support, strengthen and celebrate your campus’ civic engagement efforts.  In addition to network-wide activities, MiCC staff can help you plan for and advance activities that are uniquely designed for your campus needs.

Active Leaders Student Conference: This day-long, annual fall event engages college students from across Michigan as well as leaders in the fields of service, advocacy, and philanthropy. It provides students the opportunity to seek out successful models in leading community service initiatives; gain valuable skills in mobilizing efforts to maximize impact; and network with other student leaders and nonprofit professionals.

 Awards & Recognition: Awards are presented annually for outstanding engagement by faculty, staff, students, campus programs, presidents and to a comprehensive Engaged Campus.

 Civic Engagement Institute: This biennial gathering of faculty, staff, and administrators provides practical, interactive and stimulating workshops, plenary sessions and networking opportunities.

 College Positive Volunteerism (CPV)As a college access and student training program, CPV activities reflect efforts to increase the college enrollment and success for all students, especially underrepresented students, by providing them with support and information about college preparation, paying for college, career selection, financial resources, and other key issues.  College Positive Volunteers (CPVs) positively impact the college enthusiasm and readiness of the K-12 youth they interact with in local communities.

Member Engagement Grants:  MiCC hosts an annual RFP process for grants in two key categories.

  • Venture Grants are financial awards up to $3,500, available to individuals or groups from member campuses who wish to develop or expand programs or services related to network priorities.
  • Research & Writing Grants of up to $5,000 are available to member faculty to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) targeted research projects that examine a local issue, inform local practice and can be disseminated statewide and/or nationally.

Network Meetings and Retreats: MiCC gathers faculty and staff from across the network two-three times per year, both in person and via webinar, for training, peer sharing, and capacity building.  Members discuss trends, explore best practice models, and keep each other energized and engaged. (Diazepam)

Additionally, MiCC Members have access to the benefits and resources of both national Campus Compact and the Michigan Nonprofit Association.