CPV – Supplemental Resources

Unique CPV Resource Guides & Training PresentationsCPV Training

These PowerPoint training presentations and one-page resource guides have been developed to expand on specific college access topics and resources which are only touched on in the general CPV training. Dive deep and gain new insight into these advanced CPV topics!  Feel free to browse, download and distribute.


You Can Go! by the College Board: Inspiration for students feeling uncertain about college
Bigfuture by the College Board: Comprehensive college planning guides and tools
ACT Profile: Free college and career planning self-assessments
College Raptor: Simplifies the college search and financial aid-seeking process
College Greenlight: College and scholarship search engine for first generation and underrepresented students
College Affordability Guide: Comprehensive guide to financial aid and college search with a focus on affordability
Career Planning Activity: A new resource from National Campus Compact
College Knowledge Bingo: A new resource from National Campus Compact